Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Awesome Chorus Concert

Doot Doot song:

Isn't my singing good. I am the one on the far right
in the front row. But my dress is kind of short , but that's o.k

Dream Keeper:

I like this song too! Hey you know what would be funny if you
played all of my movies at once that would be really funny!!!
Go ahead and try it! Well?? Go on!

I hope you Dance: (Stay Tuned-Coming Soon)

This is my favorite song because I have a solo in this on.
Do you like it if so, then post a comment! Cool!!

Drunken Sailor:

This one was our last performance. Do you like it?
You should watch everyone's faces especially the boys
because they don't sing at all!! Isn't that sad, YEAH!!


Anonymous said...

You totally rock, Sooksa! Now I know what to do with a drunken sailor!! Your voice is perfect and I think your dress looks very nice.
lots of love, your biggest fan.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sooksa - you are right, your solo was the best part in the whole piece. You are the best!